Saturday, August 24, 2013

Just Amazing Glowing Big Eye Circle Lenses from Uniqso

Hi everyone, I am here again to tell you about some amazing, beautiful, look like they are glowing contact lenses! I have received quite a few lenses from this amazing contact company called Uniqso ,and they have an amazing wide range of big eye circle lenses! If you have not tried them before, now here is your chance! Especially since Halloween is right around the corner, if you order them now, you will have them before the creepy holiday :)
Uniqso is based out of Malaysia so it tends to take between 2-3 weeks for shipping, sometimes sooner, but is always well worth the wait for the price of their beauties :) You can also get a special discount from me using code FbE and by clicking on the badge to the right >>>> of my page.
We lets get on to the beautiful lenses I received this month! The first pair I used is these stunning ice blue colored lenses called Dolly Eye Ice Melon Blue and can be purchased at the provided link.
 I can not even begin to describe how beautiful these are especially against my green eyes.
 These were so comfortable I wore them around for over 5 hours with no dryness or irritation. The size and water content was perfect! Now here is a few makeup looks with them in :)

Now on to my absolute favorite pair! If you think that blue is beautiful, wait until you see the
the Dolly Eye Ice Melon Green lenses I received! They are great for Halloween as well, I did a creepy horror novel book look with mine, but the ideas can be endless for a great pair of green lenses.
I wore these a lot longer then the blue ice melon pictured above, because I was in love with color and vibrancy of the green, so I know these were comfy :) I showed these beauties off around town and was asked by many where they come from :) Here are the other photos I was talking about :)

Also have to give credit to the amazing makeup companies I am wearing, in the first photos with the Dolly Eye Ice melon Blue, I'm wearing My Beauty Addiction and in the photos with the Dolly Eye Ice Melon Green lenses, I am wearing Dark Heart Designs Cosmetics!
Thank yu for checking my blog out, please follow, comment, any feedback is important to me :)
Get you big eye circle lenses at and use code FbE for a discount on their already super low prices! I promise you will not be disappointed...



  1. Wow Nice post, your blog post is amazing !

    I accidentally drop by your blog uninvited and found your interesting blog . The layout of your blog and information is wonderful.

    I really enjoy browsing your blog.

    Your blog post is mostly about Fashion and beauty stuff.

    If you need additional beauty ideas that enhance your eyes, making them brilliantly bright and beautiful, you may want to check out for more exciting brand colored circle lenses.

    Enjoy and stay pretty :)


  2. How often and how long will you be wearing them? Contacts Cow Lacelles can come in both monthly disposable and as annual replacement lenses. This should be considered.
