Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Patriotic Makeup with big eye circle lenses in Blue flower Barbie Romana Blue from Uniqso

Hi everyone, I am here again to do a review on some more awesome big eye circle lenses from +Uniqso Enquiry  These lenses came just in time for me to do a 4th of July look, so I was super stoked! Yes it's the little things that excite a stay at home mom ;)
I received these lenses in about 2-3 weeks time, but also remember they are being sent from Malaysia, so really that is typical timing for regular shipping. I love that the packages are always in the packages protected and unharmed when they arrive.

These lenses have somewhat of the lesser water content than any other I have used from them which is 38% , and my eyes are very dry to begin with, so I could only wear these for a couple hours without having to use drops to rewet them, but for those couple hours they didn't bother me at all, or during makeup application, so I give the water content a 8 out of 10 for that.
The diameter is 16.2mm , so they were also smaller then I am use to but insertion was perfect and easy as normal. The diameter gets a 9 out of 10.
These lenses need to be replaced every 12 months and for that my friend they get a 10 out of 10!
The cost of these and any of their lenses are super affordable, so the shipping is never an issue, when you're getting such a great deal <3
You can get these lenses http://www.uniqso.com/big-eyes-circle-lenses/barbie-circle-lenses/barbie-romana-blue and many other like them, since they have such an amazing variety at www.uniqso.com and simply use code FbE to get a 10% discount while in the cart!

Please comment, your feed back is in important to us :)


  1. Great blog post , thanks for sharing it here !

    I like the way you present your blog, i will surely visit here often

    Just for your info. you can also check out www.contactlensxchange.com for more exciting brand colored circle lenses.

    Enjoy and stay pretty : )


    1. Thank you so much Cayumi, I will be checking out the site as well :)

  2. Cool as i said in the uniqso's blog! *-*

  3. Everytime I see I see your post with contacts I want to buy some but im afraid that if I get a comfortable pair I may get addicted haha...Im loving these reviews

    1. Yes they are very addicting ;) But to be honest every pair I have received from them, has been comfortable :)
